CS506 Midterm and Final term Solved Past Papers


The thorough course CS506, online Design and Development, covers the fundamental ideas, methods, and resources required to build cutting-edge, user-friendly, responsive websites and online apps. The goal of this course is to give students the academic understanding and hands-on experience necessary to design and implement successful web applications.

An introduction to web technologies, including the composition and operation of the World Wide Web, is given at the start of the course. The functions of web servers, web browsers, and the HTTP protocol in enabling client-server communication are taught to students. The core knowledge lays the groundwork for comprehending the requests, deliveries, and renderings of web pages.

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, are yet another essential course component. Students get knowledge about how to style and arrange web pages by using CSS properties for alignment, spacing, colors, and font. To make sure web pages work and look nice across a variety of devices and screen sizes, they investigate responsive design strategies, the box model, flexbox, grid layout, and other techniques.

In CS506, the web programming language JavaScript is also studied in great detail. Students gain knowledge about how to use JavaScript to enhance web sites with dynamic behavior and interactivity. Basic ideas including variables, data types, operators, control structures, functions, and events are covered. Students also study JavaScript manipulation of HTML and CSS, as well as the Document Object Model (DOM).

The course also covers more complex subjects like AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which permits asynchronous data retrieval without requiring a page reload, hence enabling the development of dynamic and interactive online applications. Students gain knowledge on how to improve and streamline web development through the usage of JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as Angular, React, and jQuery.

Another crucial component of web development is backend programming, and CS506 exposes students to server-side technologies. Along with learning about server-side scripting languages like Python, PHP, and Node.js, they also investigate form submission handling, database interaction, session management, and security. Database design and SQL (Structured Query Language) for relational database management are covered in the course.

To give students a comprehensive work environment, we also teach web development tools and version control systems. They gain knowledge of text editors, browser developer tools, integrated development environments (IDEs), and version control systems like Git. In web development projects, these tools are vital for effective coding, debugging, and teamwork.

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